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Moving Edges of Gestalt Psychotherapy

Fields and strategies of application

We invite you to contribute to the creative work and success
of the Congress with your presence and active participation.

Application Form

Fill in the form below to register for the next congress


Registrations for the congress are closed

Choose your preferred realisation
Please select your role:

(If you choose option 'speaker/presenter/workshop leader' please consult the CALL FOR PROPOSALS)

Choose a maximum of 2 options: (if applicable)
Please select your role:

This form no longer accepts submissions.

Upon successful registration, you will be contacted by our Agency. We will send you a confirmation and the invoice for the registration fee.


  • Wire transfer
    Upon sending the application you will receive confirmation and an invoice with instructions for payment.

  • Contactless payment by credit card (Visa and Master card only)

- Send a photo/scan of the credit card holder;

- Send a photo/scan of ID document or passport; and

- Fill out the authorization form (delivered from Agency) for a one-time debit to your credit card.

  • Pay by PayPerLink
    One-time link sent over email to allow the recipient to enter payment details in the browser.

  • Credit card is only acceptable with an additional credit card fee of 2,7%.

The last day for registration was 30 June 2023. In case you would still like to apply, please refer to

Registration for social event 
Party time