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Keynote Speakers
Sandro Spiteri
Dr Sandro Spiteri is a member of the Quality Assurance Committee of EAPTI-GPTIM. He has presented, published and/or consulted in Malta and internationally on family literacy, the teaching of writing, parental leadership, educational policy and quality assurance. He developed Malta’s national quality assurance systems for both compulsory as well as further and higher education, and authored its National Quality Assurance Framework for the latter. He is now Senior Executive for quality matters at the University of Malta, where he also lectures on governance, program evaluation, quality assurance and educational policy. Sandro regularly leads external quality audits in further and higher education.
Joyce Sciberras
Joyce Sciberras is a Gestalt psychotherapist presently working in private practice, as well as a supervisor and teacher at the Gestalt Psychotherapy Training Institute Malta. She trained as a social worker at the University of Malta, later obtained a post graduate Diploma in Gestalt Psychotherapy from GPTIM and was awarded a Master’s Degree in Gestalt Psychotherapy from Birmingham University.
Bertram Müeller
Bertram Müeller Dipl. Psych. works as a Gestalt psychotherapist in private practice in Düsseldorf and as Gestalt trainer and Supervisor in Germany and in several European countries like: Malta; Serbia, Italy, Croatia, Netherland and Russia. He has academic degrees in Philosophy, protestant Theology (1972) and clinical Psychology/ Psychotherapy (1981). He trained since 1973 in Gestalt Therapy in Europe and USA with Ischa Bloomberg, Erv and Miriam Polster, Bob Martin and Isadore From (from 1977-1982). He was Co-founder of the “Institute for Gestalt therapy Düsseldorf” (IfG), the founding Vice-President of the “German Ass. of Gestalt Therapy” (DVG), and president of the “German Otto Rank Ass”. (DORG). He was the founder and artist director (1979-2013) of the International Tanzhaus NRW (The Dancehouse of Northrhein/Westfalia),as well first President of the European Dance house Network (EDN) He was honored a.o. with the “Chevalier des Art et des Lettres” (1991) by the French Minister of Culture: Jaques Lang, and with the National, and received “German Dance Price 2014.He published articles on: Gestalt diagnosis; Gestalt methodology; Gestalt education and coaching; as well as on concepts of the Will by O. Rank and in Gestalt therapy; about the teachings of Isadore From as well as on artist and cultural development.
Elena Ilieva
Elena Ilieva is a Bulgarian psychologist and Gestalt therapist. Since the early 1990s, she has been living in South Africa. Alongside with her private practice there as a counsellor and Tomatis method practitioner, she dedicated time, skills, and energy to several NGOs, e.g. the Triangle Project, Nicro Woman Support Centre, and Coma Care. Since 2006, Elena Ilieva is a facilitator and later, trainer and supervisor in Systemic Family Constellations; since 2016, she is a Gestalt therapist. Elena has not severed her connection to her country of origin. Wanting to put her knowledge and South African contacts in use, she has founded two training institutions in Bulgaria: Family Constellations Bulgaria (2008) and the Bulgarian Institute for Gestalt therapy (2012). In the last ten years, she commits ever more time to the establishment of these institutions in line with the European training standards, adding new tools and working paradigms to the palette of therapeutic services in Bulgaria.
Mira Klarin
Mira Klarin is a tenured professor on the Department of Pedagogy in the Zadar University, where she teaches Developmental Psychology and Psychology of Communication, Family and Parenthood. She participated in several national and international professional and scientific projects. Her scientific interest is directed towards the area of study of socializing factors in context of development. Lately she is studying human relations, their development and the possible changes. She has completed her education for Gestalt Psychotherapist and she leads the Student Counseling at the University. She is author and co-author of around fifty scientific and professional papers and book chapters. She has received an award from the Croatian Psychological Society for the scientific published paper "Development of children in social context - parents, peers, teachers context of development of children", in 2006. She is a member of the Croatian Psychological Chamber, International Society for Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection and European Association for Gestalt Therapy.
Ceylan Das
Prof. Dr. Ceylan Das is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist. She is both giving lectures in the psychology departments of Universities for years and she also has her private practice. She works with individuals, couples as well as groups. She started her Gestalt therapy training with Metanoia, England and continued with different Gestalt Institutes in the Europe and the USA. She is the president of the Turkish Gestalt Therapy Association and the editor of Contact: Gestalt Therapy Journal. She is the writer of Integration and Growth: Gestalt Therapy book both in Turkish and in English.
Charles Cassar
Charles Cassar has been a practicing Gestalt psychotherapy in private practice as a registered Maltese and European certified psychotherapist for the past eighteen years. For the past fourteen years, he has been the Chair of the NUOC within the EAP (European Association of Psychotherapy) and a Member of the Executive Committee of EAP. He has lately been elected as Vice President/President Elect of the EAP. He has held the position of President for the Malta Association of Psychotherapists (MAP) for the past eighteen years, to date. As President of MAP he has been actively and strongly engaged in lobbying for legislation which would regulate the profession. After graduating with an honours degree in psychology, Charles went on to pursue a diploma and eventually a Masters’ degree in Gestalt psychotherapy.
Nada Pop-Jordanova
Academician Nada Pop-Jordanova was born in Skopje (1947) where she graduated Medicine and Philosophy (Psychology). She is specialist pediatrician and subspecialist for gastroenterohepatology. Special interest of her activities were psychosomatic diseases and as a result she organized the special department for their treatment at the Pediatric clinic. She is a pioneer in Biofeedback/Neurofeedback methodology and Quantitative mapping of brain function in this region. All lifetime she was engaged at the Pediatric clinic in the treatment of children and solving their problems in the everyday life. As a tenured professor she was a teacher for Pediatrics, Medical psychology, Medical Ethics, Neuropsychology, and Developmental psychology at Faculties for Medicine.
Peter Schulthess
Peter Schulthess works in private practice in Zurich, Switzerland, since 1976. He teaches Gestalt therapy in Switzerland and several other countries, such as Germany, Macedonia, Poland, Greece, Italy, Bolivia, Russia, China, Serbia and Malta.
Dubravka Kocijan Hercigonja
Dubravka Kocijan Hercigonja is a neuropsychiatrist and psychotherapist and Ph.D. of Psychiatry (University of Zagreb, Croatia). She is world renowned and respected psychiatrist, subspeciality of child and adolescent Psychiatry. She was full professor of University of medicine and University of education and rehabilitation science till retirement. She deserved highly recognition with her professional achievements. One of the founders of the first Center for Autism in Zagreb 1985, in Croatia, then Center for Mental Health and psychological trauma of children in the Children′s Hospital »Klaićeva«. She was at the head of the national Center for psychological trauma, Department of Psychiatry and the reference center of the Ministry of health for disorders caused by stress. She founded private Psychiatric Policlinic Kocijan – Hercigonja, and is a president of the EIATCYP, and Croatian association for children and adolescent psychotherapy, Institute CYF. She leads trainings in Integrative Psychotherapy and Child and adolescent Psychotherapy.
Konstantinidou Antonia
BSc in Psychology, MSc in Social & Clinical Psychology, Gestalt Psychotherapist, Trainer, and Supervisor. Affiliations: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece; Gestalt Foundation, Greece; Association of Greek Psychologists, H.A.G.T. (Hellenic Association for Gestalt Therapy – founding member, ex- president), E.A.G.T., E.A.P.; E.C.P. & EuroPsy Holder.Birth, 1969 in Thessaloniki, Greece. 27 years of private practice in psychotherapy with individuals and groups. For 20 years works as Gestalt Therapy trainer and supervisor. Co-founder of Training Institute “Gestalt Foundation". She conducts lectures and workshops with topics such as: mindfulness, diagnosis, psychopathology, and supervision in the context of Gestalt Therapy.
Renè Camilleri
Renè Camilleri was born in Malta in 1953. He is a Catholic priest, PhD in Theology, and has been teaching Systematic Theology at the University of Malta since 1984. Main areas of research: Faith and Culture, History of Religions, Belief in a postmodern frame of mind.
Giovanni Salonia
Psychologist, psychotherapist and theologian. Graduated in Gestalt Therapy (E. and M. Polster, I. From, J. Zinker), trained in Client Centered Therapy (H. Franta), Family Therapy (M. Kirschenbaum - C. Gammer), Bodytherapy (G. Downing). Former Professor of Social Psychology at the LUMSA University of Palermo; formerly Full Member of the Institute of Gestalt Therapy of New York (NYGT), former Visiting Professor at Southern Connecticut State University (USA), he was President of FISIG (Italian Federation of Gestalt Schools). Lecturer at the Pontifical University Antonianum (Rome) and School of Specialization in Psychiatry at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart. Scientific Director of the School of Specialization in Gestalt Psychotherapy of the Institute of Gestalt Therapy hcc Kairos (Venice, Rome, Ragusa) and of the II level Masters with the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome He has written several books, including: Sulla felcità e dintorni (About happiness and surroundings), Dance of the chairs and dance of the pronouns and, as a co-author, Devo sapere subito se sono vivo (I must know immediately if I am alive) and The moon is made of cheese, I come Invidia (I like envy), La vera storia di Peter Pan (The true story of Peter Pan) end others which deal with both anthropological and clinical issues. He has also written numerous contributions from the Gestalt clinic published in articles and chapters of Italian and foreign scientific texts.
Jean Marie Robine
Jean-Marie Robine is a psychologist and director of the public clinic for Children and Families during 15 years. Training in Psychodrama, Expressive therapy, Client Centered Therapy, Couples & Family Therapy, Psychoanalysis. Training in Gestalt Therapy with different Institutes and trainers, and most importantly with Isadore From. He is a founder of Institut Français de Gestalt-thérapie, 1980, international trainer, Past President of European Association for Gestalt Therapy, Past President of Societé Française de Gestalt, Cofounder of Collège de Gestalt-thérapie, Member of New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy, Member of editorial board of several international Gestalt Journals. Author or co-author of seven books of Gestalt Therapy translated in several languages, including Italian (“Il Rivelarsi del Sé nel Contatto”, Franco Angeli) and English-American (“On the Occasion of an Other”, Gestalt Journal Press). Lives in the countryside near Bordeaux, France.
Zoran Milivojevic
Zoran Milivojević, MD, is a psychotherapist with many years of practice in individual, partner, and group therapy. He was the first in Eastern European to obtain the highest degree of international supervisor and educator of the International Association for Transactional Analysis (ITAA), as well as the European Association for Transactional Analysis (EATA). He is the president of the Association of Psychotherapists of Serbia, expert director of the Psychopolis Institute in Novi Sad, the president of the TA Center - Association of Transaction Analysts of Serbia, and a lecturer at the International Transactional Analysis Academy.
He is the author of several outstanding textbooks and books, including Emocije – Psihoterapija i razumevanje emocija (Emotions - Psychotherapy and Understanding Emotions) [Psychopolis, 2007]; Formule ljubavi – Kako ne upropastiti sopstveni život tražeci pravu ljubav (Formulas of Love – How Not to Ruin Your Own Life by Seeking True Love) [Psychopolis, 2008]; and Igre koje igraju narkomani – Transakciona analiza problematicnog uzimanja droga (Games Played by Addicts – Transactional Analysis of Problem Taking drugs) [Psychopolis, 2007]. Together with several Slovenian colleagues, he published a very practical and richly illustrated manual, Mala knjiga za velike roditelje (A Little Book for Big Parents) [Mladinski dom Jarše, 2004; Psihopolis, 2007]. This was a great Slovenian bestseller about raising children, in which Milivojević's "Mercedes model" was presented, which helps parents and educators to find balance in the upbringing of children. The book Uloviti ljubav (Catch Love) [Psychopolis, 2011] contains notable columns that the author had published in the daily Politika for three years, and the book Psihologike svakodnevnog života (Psychology of Everyday Life) [Psychopolis 2014] which contains columns from Politika until October 2014.
He is an international lecturer who has given lectures, workshops or otherwise presented at numerous international congresses, seminars and symposia, mainly in Western European countries, but also in the United States, Russia, Canada, Australia, and South Africa. He was a plenary lecturer at the First Eurasian Congress in Moscow in 2013, as well as at the Seventh World Congress in Durban, South Africa in 2014.
Zoran Milivojević currently works in a private practice, splitting time between in Novi Sad and Ljubljana.
Dubravka Kocijan Hercigonja
Dubravka Kocijan Hercigonja is a neuropsychiatrist and psychotherapist as well as a holder of PhD in Psychiatry (University of Zagreb, Croatia). She is a world renowned and respected psychiatrist with subspecialty in child and adolescent psychiatry. She was a professor at the University of Medicine and University of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences. She was one of the founders of the first Center for Autism in Zagreb in 1985, Croatia, then the Centre for Mental Health and Psychological Trauma of Children in the Children’s Hospital “Klaićeva”. She was the head of both the National Centre for Psychological Trauma, Department of Psychiatry, and the Reference center of the Ministry of Health for disorders caused by stress. She founded private Psychiatric Polyclinic Kocijan Hercigonja and is a president of the EIATCYP and the Croatian Association for Children and Adolescent Psychotherapy. She leads trainings in Integrative Psychotherapy and Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy.
Talia Bar-Yoseph Levine
Talia Bar-Yoseph Levine is a clinical psychologist, gestalt therapist, international trainer, supervisor and business consultant. Trained with Miriam and Erv Polster and a variety of GTILA trainers. Talia trusts that the Gestalt philosophy of being is an infrastructure to human connectedness, dialogic leadership, the bridging of difference and also uniquely contributes to a better world. Currently she is chairperson of the Israeli Gestalt Association and its representative to the EAGT, president elect of AAGT, member of the Intagio EC and co-chair of Jerusalem Gestalt Institute. She was head of Gestalt department at Metanoia Institute in London and gained it an academic recognition as an MSc, was the academic director of an 8 years training in the Czech and Slovak republics and of 5 years training in Greece, participated in organizational training in Italy and Poland, co run supervision trainings. Edited books: ‘The Bridge – Dialogues across Cultures’, ‘Gestalt Therapy Advances in theory and practice’, 2011. She published a significant number of academic publications in books and journals and is on the editorial board of GJ. Paints, mostly Aquarelles, weaves baskets, loves to cook and totally enjoys two daughters and two grandchildren.
Emilia Stoimenova Canevska
Emilija Stoimenova Canevska is an established psychotherapist, supervisor and trainer. She is committed to continuously building and developing the Gestalt Training Institute Skopje to a high standard training center that has an ongoing growth of students and graduates in Gestalt psychotherapy while retaining an exceptional quality. She is the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies at the International Balkan University, Skopje. She is supporting and leading the development of the Psychology undergraduate and postgraduate studies. She is a dedicated lecturer with more than 16 years teaching experience in diverse academic institutions in the area of Psychology, Research and PR Studies. Her passion for psychotherapy in general and Gestalt psychotherapy in particular has given her the motive to the pursuit of the lifelong educational background in the area and numerous trainings in the field. She has a notable volume of published work in established publications such as Patient’s rights in Psychotherapy 2013 and Retroflection as a creative adjustment of Macedonians 2014 among many others. She is one of the pioneers in the Macedonian psychotherapy field as to following European and world standards in the area of psychotherapy. She has active professional certification in: ECP-European Certificate for Psychotherapy, EAGT-European Certificate for Gestalt Psychotherapy, EAGT-Certificate for Supervisors, Diploma for applied Gestalt Practice in Organizations under the mentorship of Paul Barber and Ken Evans. She is committed to developing and teaching Gestalt psychotherapy within the region and actively cooperating with International Gestalt Institutes.
Sanela Selmanovic Podrug
Sanela Selmanovic Podrug graduated from the Department of Psychology and is in process of obtaining a Master degree at a scientific program in psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo. Although educated in the field of other therapies she chose exclusively Gestalt therapy. In 2018 she obtained Master Diploma in Gestalt Therapy. After obtaining a diploma in Gestalt therapy in 2006 she becomes a member of the European Associations for Psychotherapy (EAP) and Gestalt Psychotherapy (EAGT). In 2010 she became a member of the Board of Appeal in the EAGT. In addition, she completed the training in supervision and the application of Gestalt therapy in organizations. In 2003 she founded the Psycho-Integrum Ltd. Sarajevo, Association for education and services, and from 2004 to the present, she organizes and implements the training program of Gestalt therapy in Sarajevo, in cooperation with the GPTIM. She is also engaged as a consultant in a variety of universities, helping organizations and international companies for psychotherapeutic support. During the war and postwar years in Bosnia and Hezegovina she has worked in various international organizations on various projects of reforms in Bosnia and Hezegovina, regarding the judiciary, civil society, corruption, etc.
Margareta Mesic
Margareta Mesić, univ.spec., is a clinical psychologist, certified Gestalt therapist, supervisor and trainer in basic course of training in Gestalt therapy. Since 2007 (Psihika ltd.), she has organized and conducted training in Gestalt psychotherapy according to the Gestalt Psychotherapy Training Institute Malta (GPTIM) programme and has conducted individual and group psychotherapy and supervision. From 1999 to 2014 she worked in clinical practice with risk population groups, drug users, their families as well as in primary prevention and mental health. She is a member of the Commission for psychotherapy of the Croatian Psychological Chamber, a member of the Supervisory Board of the Croatian Psychological Chamber and a member of the Board of DGIPH. She is an associate teacher in HITUDIM for students training in psychotherapy to work with children and youth. She is a member EAGT, a founding member of the European Association for Therapeutic Work with Children and Youth (EIATCYP) and an associate member of the Croatian Association for Supervision (HDSOR).
Saida Fisekovic
Prof. Ph.D. Saida Fisekovic has recently retired from the position of Director of the Psychiatric Clinic, UCCS. Being a Clinical Psychiatry sub-specialist. She spent most of her working life in the position of Head of the Emergency Psychiatry Department.
As per educational orientation, Mrs Fisekovic belongs to the transactional analysis school. As a TA therapist in psychotherapy sessions, she applies elements of Transactional Analysis, which contains both humanistic and cognitive approach. She is the author of several books and university textbooks for undergraduate and postgraduate students. She has published over a hundred scientific and professional articles and was a lecturer in postgraduate studies at the Medical Faculty of the University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Political Science, University of Sarajevo, international postgraduate study of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology at the Swedish University as a leading lecturer in "Psychiatry and Psychology in the Community". She was a lecturer and examiner at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of the University of Sarajevo, an examiner at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Sarajevo, and the Faculty of Law of the University of Sarajevo. She is a member of the Committee for Psychiatric and Neurological Research of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of BaH.
She is a member of the World Association for Biological Psychiatry, the World Association of Transactional Analysis, the World and European Psychiatric Association, the Association of Psychiatrists of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Association for Biological Psychiatry / Psychopharmacology of the Federation of BaH, and the Medical Chamber of BaH.
Mrs Fisekovic is the winner of the Recognition for contribution to the development of the Psychiatric Clinic of the Clinical Center of the University of Sarajevo. She is the holder of the Plaque of the Medical Chamber of the Sarajevo Canton for active and persistent contribution to preserving the health of the people and strengthening the public and professional reputation of the Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Joyce Sciberras
Joyce Sciberras is a Gestalt psychotherapist presently working in private practice, as well as a supervisor and teacher at the Gestalt Psychotherapy Training Institute Malta. She trained as a social worker at the University of Malta, later obtained a post graduate Diploma in Gestalt Psychotherapy from GPTIM and was awarded a Master’s Degree in Gestalt Psychotherapy from Birmingham University. She attended a training program in Family Constellation in the tradition of Bert Hellinger led by Lidija Pecotic PhD. She is a qualified Family Mediator. Joyce held the post of Vice President for seven years at the Church Agency that offered voluntary counselling. She was a member of the Board of Governors of the Malta Mediation Center for eight years. She was a member of the National Family Commission for eight years. She is regularly invited on television programs to discuss topics related to psychology and psychotherapy.
Elinor Greenberg
Elinor Greenberg, PhD is a licensed psychologist in private practice in New York City. Dr. Greenberg is an internationally known Gestalt Therapist and trainer who is also certified in the Masterson Approach to the Psychodynamic Treatment of Borderline, Narcissistic and Schizoid Disorders; Ericksonian Hypnotherapy and Group Psychotherapy. Dr. Greenberg is a teaching member and Vice-President of the NY Institute for Gestalt Therapy, adjunct faculty to the Gestalt Center for Psychotherapy and Training, psychology consultant to the Tarot School of New York, and a former faculty member of The Masterson Institute. Dr. Greenberg is an associate editor of Gestalt Review and is listed in the National Registry of Group Psychotherapists. She is a student of Kabbalistic Tarot and has lectured and published on the integration of Tarot and Psychotherapy. Dr. Greenberg has written extensively on Borderline, Narcissistic and Schizoid adaptations and lectures in North America and Europe. Her new book, Borderline, Narcissistic, and Schizoid Adaptations: The Pursuit of Love, Admiration and Safety has just been published and is available for purchase at Amazon.com and Amazon Europe.
Lidija Pecotic
Lidija Pecotić is international Gestalt trainer, supervisor and therapists. She has a Masters degree in Clinical Psychology (University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1986). She completed her Doctorate Studies in Clinical Psychology (University of Belgrade, Serbia, 1994). 2002 she obtained an EAGT, European Certificate for Gestalt Psychotherapy as well as an ECP (European Certificate for Psychotherapy). She is the founder and Director of EAPTI-GPTI Malta, NCFHE 2014-FHI-020 since 1996, and EAPTI-SE Belgrade since 1990. She is cofounder of various Gestalt Psychotherapy Training Institutes and Professional Psychotherapy Associations. She is the Editor of two Gestalt Journals, in Malta and Serbia.
Irvin Yalom
Psychiatrist and author Irvin Yalom, MD has been a major figure in the field of psychotherapy since he first wrote The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy in 1970 (now in its 5th edition). Other significant contributions have included Existential Psychotherapy, and NY Times Bestseller Loves Executioner and Other Tales of Psychotherapy. He has written four novels on psychotherapy: When Nietzsche Wept, Lying on the Couch, The Schopenhauer Cure, and The Spinoza Problem. He has just released what he claims is his final book, Becoming Myself: A Psychiatrist's Memoir. His works, translated into over 20 languages, have been widely read by therapists and non-therapists alike.
Thomas Moore
Thomas Moore is the author of the number one New York Times bestseller Care of the Soul. He has written twenty-four other books about bringing soul to personal life and culture, deepening spirituality, humanizing medicine, finding meaningful work, imagining sexuality with soul and doing religion in a fresh way. In his youth he was a Catholic monk and studied music composition. He has a Ph.D. in Religious Studies from Syracuse University and was a university professor for a number of years. He is also a psychotherapist influenced mainly by C. G. Jung and James Hillman. In his work he brings together spirituality, mythology, depth psychology and the arts, emphasizing the importance of images and imagination. He often travels and lectures, hoping to help create a more soulful society. His family members are also deeply involved in spiritual approaches to the arts: His wife, Hari Kirin, is an accomplished painter and teaches a course she has created on Yoga and Art; his daughter Ajeet is a musician and recording artist and spiritual teacher; his stepson Abraham is an architect focusing on design related to the social aspects of building. Thomas also writes fiction, arranges music and plays golf in New Hampshire, where he has lived for twenty years.
Dan Bloom
Dan Bloom JD, LCSW (www.danbloomnyc.com) is a psychotherapist in private practice in New York City. He studied with Laura Perls, Isadore From and Richard Kitzler. Dan teaches through the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy and is adjunct faculty at the Gestalt Associates for Psychotherapy, the Center for Somatic Studies, and other gestalt therapy institutes around the world. Dan has lectured and presented workshops at many international conferences and gestalt therapy residentials. He is past president and Fellow of New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy and past president of the Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy. He was Editor-in-Chief of the journal Studies in Gestalt Therapy: Dialogical Bridges is an associate editor of the Gestalt Review and book review editor of Quaderni di Gestalt and a member of the Scientific Board of the Gestalt therapy Book Series published by Franco Angeli. He wrote the introductions to the books Richard Kitlzer’s Eccentric Genius, Des Kennedy’s Healing Perception and Phil Brownell’s Gestalt therapy: A Guide to Contemporary Practice and the preface to Gianni Francesetti’s Panic Attacks and Postmodernity. He was co-editor of Continuity and Change: Gestalt Therapy Now and The NYIGT in the 21st Century. Dan wrote chapters for several books. His papers have appeared in a variety of international journals. Currently adjunct faculty of the Gestalt Center for Psychotherapy and Training.
Bertram Muller
Bertram Müller works as a Gestalt psychotherapist in private practice in Düsseldorf and as Gestalt trainer and supervisor in Germany and in several European countries like: Malta; Serbia, Italy, Croatia, Netherland, Russia. He has academic degrees in Philosophy, Theology (1973) and clinical Psychology/Psychotherapy (1981). Since 1973 he was trained in Gestalt therapy in Europe and USA with Ischa Bloomberg, Lore Perls and Isadore From (1977-1982). He was a founding Vice-President of the German Association of Gestalt Therapy (DVG), founding president of the German Otto Rank Association (DORG), and founding member of the European League of the Institutes of the Art (ELIA). He was a founder and artist director (1979-2013) of the Tanzhaus NRW (Northrhein/Westfalia); President of the European Dancehouse Network (EDN). He was honored with the “Chevalier des Art et des Lettres” (1991) by the French Minister of Culture and Education Jaques Lang as well as with the German Dance Price/Deutsche Tanzpreis (2014). He published articles on: Gestalt diagnosis, Gestalt methodology, Gestalt education and couching, the concepts of the will by Otto Rank and in Gestalt therapy, the teachings of Isadore From as well as on artist and cultural development.
Mira Klarin
Mira Klarin is a full professor at the University of Zadar. She has participated in several professional and scientific national and international projects. Her scientific interest is focused on the field of research of socialization factors in the context of human development. It has recently been focused on research of interpersonal relations, their development and possible changes. She has completed training for a psychotherapist and is the head of the Student Counselling Center at the University. She is also author and co-author of 50 scientific and professional papers and chapters in books. For the scientific monograph "The Development of Children in the Social Context - Parents, Peers, Teachers, the Child Development Context" 2006 Was awarded by the Croatian Psychological Society. She is a member of the Croatian Psychological Society, International Society for Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection and European Association for Gestalt Therapy.
Edin Urjan Kukavica
Edin Urjan Kukavica was born in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1967. Shaykh Edin Uryan Kukavica is a writer and author of several novels, books of historiographical essays: Vijernik, Bes, Antropology of tasawwuf, Anatomy of ibadet. He is a translator of several books from the area of tasawwuf, perennial philosophy, traditional art and islamic philosophy, and author and translator of good few articles and texts in daily newspapers and periodical magazines in Bosnia and Herzegovina. At least three novels and some other books are waiting to be published.
Michael Vincent Miller
Michael Vincent Miller has practiced and taught Gestalt therapy for thirty-eight years, currently in New York City. His own training was chiefly with Fritz Perls, Isadore From and the Polsters. After ten years of teaching at Stanford University and M.I.T., he cofounded the Boston Gestalt Institute. He has also trained psychotherapists in Gestalt therapy in a dozen countries. He was on the editorial board of the “Gestalt Journal” and was Consulting Editor to the “International Gestalt Journal.” Besides contributing articles to many journals and magazines, he has written four books: “Intimate Terrorism: The Crisis of Love in an Age of Disillusion” (1996), which has been published in eight languages; “La Poétique de la Gestalt-therapie” (2002), which was published in France; “Teaching a Paranoid to Flirt” (2011), a collection of his writings over thirty years on Gestalt therapy; and “A Gestalt Therapy Testament” (2014), published in English and Italian in Milan.
Ruella Frank
Ruella Frank, Ph.D., is founder and director of the Center for Somatic Studies, NYC, and faculty at Gestalt Associates for Psychotherapy, the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy and adjunct faculty Gestalt Institute of Toronto. Ruella also teaches workshops and training programs throughout the United States, Mexico, South America, Canada, Australia and Europe. She is author of articles and chapters in various publications, as well as the book Body of Awareness: A Somatic and Developmental Approach to Psychotherapy, (2001, GestaltPress, available in five languages) and co-authored The First Year and the Rest of Your Life: Movement, Development and Psychotherapeutic Change (2010, Routledge Press, available in three languages). Her training video Introduction to Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy, now subtitled in French and Russian, is available at www.somaticstudies.com
Peter Schulthess
Peter Schulthess – Gestalt Psychotherapist, MSc – works in private practice in Zurich, Switzerland, since 1976. He teaches Gestalt therapy in Switzerland and several other countries, such as Germany, Macedonia, Poland, Greece, Italy, Bolivia, Russia, China, Serbia and Malta.
Marija Stefanović
Marija Stefanović is a clinical psychologist, Gestalt therapist, trainer and supervisor as well as a coordinator and assistant director of the Studio for Education Belgrade. She graduated from the Department of Clinical psychology at the University of Belgrade. She is a psychotherapist accredited by the Serbian Association for Psychotherapy, ECP and EAGT. She was engaged in the work of humanitarian organizations such as: “Zdravo da ste” (“Hi Neighbour!”), IRC, “Save the Children” and IAN, and in many activities related to the provision of psychological support to refugees and displaced persons in camps and private accommodation where target groups were adults, young people and children. She founded NGO “Horizons” where she took part in providing psychological support programs throughout Serbia as a manager and coordinator, along with other specialists. Since 2002 she’s been working in “Oasis” Centre for children, youth and family on various prevention and education programs. She completed a training program at the school directed by Lidija Pecotic PhD, gaining her work experience with acknowledged Gestalt therapists: Douglas Davidove, Joseph Zinker, Bertram Müller, Michael Miller, Ole Ry Nielsen, Filipo Rametta etc. She has also attended programs in other psychotherapy courses, such as TA (Josip Berger, Lukrecija Vranesevic), family therapy, systemic approach (Nada Polovina), bioenergetic analysis (Stanka Gavric, Divna Peric, Filip Helfner). She’s been a guest trainer and supervisor in various Gestalt centres such as: Skopje (Macedonia), Zagreb, Zadar, Rijeka (Croatia), Podgorica (Montenegro) and Sarajevo (Bosnia and Hercegovina). President of the Serbian Association for Gestalt Psychotherapy (SUGP).
Raspored događaja na Kongresu
Kongres se održava od 23.-26. Septembra 2021. godine u Sarajevu. Program Kongresa se sastoji od plenarnih predavanja, radionica i diskusija.
Stanovišta i mišljenja iznesena u prezentacijama i radionicama se pripisuju autorima/-icama, i ne odražavaju neophodno zvaničnu politiku ili poziciju Psiho-Integruma ili EAPTI-GPTIM Mreže.
Psiho-Integrum d.o.o. Sarajevo i EAPTI-GPTIM Mreža, kao organizatori Kongresa, zadržavaju pravo da po potrebi modificiraju program Kongresa.
Simultani prijevod je obezbjeđen sa engleskog jezika na BHS jezike i obratno. Za predavanje dr Jean Marie Robina simultani prijevod je obezbjeđen sa fransuskog jezika na BHS jezike i obratno.
U saradnji sa:
Association for Gestalt Psychotherapy Montenegro